EYELID. Site specific part of the research “Plant pornography exercises”

  • 19 October 2020 - 18 e ore 21 Sala Della Musica, Via Boccaleone,19 -
  • 20 October 2020 - 18 e ore 21 Sala Della Musica, Via Boccaleone,19 -
  • 21 October 2020 - 18 e ore 21 Sala Della Musica, Via Boccaleone,19 -
10.00 18.00
concept and coreography

Francesca Pennini

dramaturgical brainstorming
Angelo Pedroni, Francesca Pennini
action and creation

Simone Arganini, Teodora Grano, Carmine Parise, Angelo Pedroni, Francesca Pennini 

Riccardo Guidarini, Pietro Vicentini
audio-video technology

Simone Arganini 


Carmine Parise

In coproduction with Romaeuropa Festival e Fondazione Teatro Comunale di Ferrara

With the support of Regione Emilia Romagna e MIBACT

CollettivO CineticO’s reflection on time continues in a philosophical and physical investigation on the transposition of conditions typical of the plant kingdom. The plant dimension is encrypted under the skin of the inhabitants of the scene in a shift of parameters, a radical and silent shift of the point of view, an out-of-focus of anthropocentrism, a gentle distortion of the contemplative pact that displaces the use of some diopter. Sound and light become fundamental subjects of stage chemistry in a perceptive rite of transformation of bodies, a passage of state of the flesh, a mixture of different phases of existence. Sound is treated as if it were choreographic material, body secretion.